Thursday, August 4, 2011

Lost Luggage Tips...

Over the years, I don't remember how many times my bags have gone missing while I was traveling. It has probably happened to you or might happen in the future. So, what should you do?

  • If your luggage is lost, find an airline representative and report the problem. There is usually always a "Lost Luggage" or "Lost & Found" counter within the baggage/customs hall.

  • The above mentioned office will most likely give you a form to complete (or at least sign). Be sure to take care of this before leaving the airport! This form will describe the luggage and its contents. Be sure to make a mental note of the brand name of your luggage, color of bags, etc.

  • Obtain a copy of the form before giving it to airline representative.

  • Statistics show that 98% of lost luggage is found within several hours, and will be put on the next flight to your destination. Arrangements of whether it will be delivered to your door or you will have to pick it up need to be worked out before you leave the airport. Most likely, if you are a missionary, you will not be staying in the city where the airport is located. So, be sure to make arrangements!

  • If you cannot wait, make sure the airline has your address to forward your luggage. Ask them to call you when the bags have arrived to confirm their arrival.

  • If you need to buy some basic hygiene or clothes, be sure to ask the airline to cover this need. British Airways actually provides customers with a pre-loaded debit card with a set amount of 35 British Pounds.

  • If luggage is never found, you will be asked to estimate the value (depreciated) of its contents. If you claim anything new or costly (i.e. camera, laptop, mp3 player, etc.), you may be asked to provide receipts and other documentation.

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