Monday, August 1, 2011

Corporate Mileage Accounts = Good Stewardship!

All churches, missions organizations and non-profits know that good stewardship is essential in order to honor God and attract and retain donors. However, stewardship goes beyond financial resources!

It amazes me how many mission teams/churches I have interacted with who do NOT encourage team members to sign up for frequent flier mileage accounts. I simply do not understand this. The airline wants to give you FREE flights! The miles are there for the taking and after a few mission trips, team members could potentially earn themselves a free ticket for yet another mission trip. For example, someone traveling from Dallas/Fort Worth to Kiev, Ukraine on a mission trip, only needs to travel 4 times roundtrip before earning a free ticket to Europe!

Beyond individual mileage accounts, did you know that airlines offer corporate/small business accounts as well? Basically, your team members earn their individual miles and they also help the organization earn points redeemable for free travel. A mission team of 20 flying from Dallas to Kiev, Ukraine earn enough corporate points on some airlines for a free corporate ticket for the organization.

Are you being the best steward of your church or ministry travel? Check out these airlines corporate programs:


  1. Really interesting. There have been many times we couldn't get credit for mileage because we had missionary fares which didn't qualify for miles. (Real bummer.) We're trying to be more careful about that now.

  2. Interesting point, David and Olivia. Andrew, I'm just curious - not to be toooo greedy here - but does flying on a missionary contract with BA count as *miles.* Just curious...

    Twitter: Andrew, do you have a twitter account? Well, I just tweeted and included a link to your blog, so if you get a huge spike in traffic, you can thank.... twitter. ;)

  3. As for mileage, I have been flying on missionary contracts myself and I have been accruing miles. British Airways allows mileage accrual, but I believe that Lufthansa does not. So, David and Olivia, you might check which airline you flew and check their specific policies. But I can vouch for BA!

    As for the corporate program, I can also vouch for that as my summer mission team members earned Jeremiah's Hope (the organization I am a missionary with) a total of 24,000 corporate points this summer with their travel!

    Thanks for tweeting Eileen!
